15 Journal Prompts to Learn More About Who You Are

girl writing in her journal

Ever since I turned 18 a few years ago, I feel like every day has been a journey to finding myself and learning more about who I am.

I honestly still don’t have it fully figured out. I’m still trying to understand what I really want out of life and what makes me happy.

But thankfully, I’ve discovered a lot about myself along the way. Some has been from experiences (good and bad) and some has been through journaling.

The day I decided to journal more consistently, I never knew that it would help me so much on my self-discovery journey. But it has and I am so grateful for it.

If you finally want to start to journal but don’t really know what to write about, here are some journal prompts that will help you examine your life and learn more about yourself along the way. Remember to not put too much pressure on yourself as you answer these prompts. This is meant to be a fun, (hopefully) stress-free way for you to learn more about yourself as a person.

15 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery

1.Write a letter to your younger self.

2.What piece of advice would I give my future self?

 3.Imagine the best version of yourself and describe it in as much detail as possible.

4.What are my top 3 goals for the next 3 years? Why are they important to me?

5.Pick 3 words that describe how you see yourself in this moment. Elaborate on each of them.

 6.What are 5 things you need to be happy at this point in your life?

7.What are my top accomplishments this year?

8.What do I need to prioritize to preserve my mental health?

 9.What can I do to be a better sibling/friend/relative/spouse?

10.How have my values changed over the past 5 years?

11.What is one unexpected thing I have learnt about myself over the past year?

12.What habits do I need to work on to become a better person? How can I do that?

13.What is success for me really? (Ignore everybody else’s definition!)

14.What does “happy, content me” look like? How do they live their life?

15. What can I do in my current life to be more aligned with the happier version of me described above?

How has journaling helped you learn more about yourself? Let me know down below.