22 Solo Date Ideas to Fall in Love With Yourself More

a girl enjoying a solo date at home

I LOVE solo dates.

In my opinion, there’s nothing more awesome than taking the time to plan a special night or activity to have some fun and relax by yourself.

I meeann….who needs a relationship?!

And yes, I know the people who have spent ages living the single life (like me ngl) will have something to say about that.

But I stand firm in my belief that solo dates are awesome and you should all have them more often, whether or not you’re in a relationship.

This is what I’ll be discussing in this post. So grab a cup of tea, and your cozy socks and let’s get started!

Are Solo Dates Healthy?

Yes! They absolutely are!

Remember how I said earlier that anyone should go on solo dates regularly whether or not they’re in a relationship? That’s because there’s another very important relationship you absolutely cannot neglect and that’s the one you have with yourself.

(Saw that coming didn’t you?)

But it’s true!

In all seriousness, there’s a reason why everybody keeps going on about how you need to love yourself first so you can naturally attract more of the love that you want to have in your life.

It’s because you spend the most time with yourself. You look at yourself in the mirror every day. You know your struggles and achievements and all the little (or big) things you have to overcome every day to keep showing up and be an amazing human in your life.

That’s why you need to love yourself, celebrate yourself and care for yourself before anyone else. A great way to do that is by learning to date yourself first by planning some fun solo dates for yourself!

So have I sold you on the idea of solo dates yet? Yes? No? Maybe?

Here is a list of fun solo date ideas for the homebodies as well as those who love going out. That way, you will get to enjoy some time with your awesome self and have fun doing it.

22 Solo Date Ideas to Treat Yourself To

1. Cocktail making at home

Put your bartender hat on and practice making some cocktails at home!

Last year, I went on a girls’ trip to a Caribbean island and I’ve been kind of obsessed with pina coladas ever since. I’ve been wanting to learn how to make cocktails at home for a while now and I had a lot of fun learning how to make this one with simple ingredients and a blender.

If you don’t drink, just make a mocktail and omit the alcohol!

The next one on my list: a mojito!

2. Dive into a new series/movie

If there is a TV show or movie you’ve been meaning to start or catch up on, pick a Friday night (or weekend), order your favourite food, put on your comfiest PJs and settle in for a night of pure, chill TV bliss. 

3. Do some colouring

Colouring is one of my fav activities to de-stress and get out of my head for a while.

I am certainly not an artist, at least not that kind of artist. But whether or not you’re a talented artist, you can still have fun with colouring!

It’s a fun activity for when you’re just chilling at home (and you don’t really know what to do with yourself) and it’s a great stress-reliever.

4. Take a painting class (at home or out)

I recently went to a painting class with a friend and I loved it. It was another opportunity to be creative and it really helped me focus and just have fun in the moment.

I was kinda surprised because painting has never really been my thing but it might just be now lol.

I definitely plan to go back for another class very soon. So look in your area for a painting class (or even on YouTube!) and let your inner painter come to life.

5. Cook yourself a fancy meal

Why not treat yourself to a nice, cozy homecooked meal from the comfort of your home?

It’s one of the best ways to show yourself some love. If you’re not into cooking, order a nice meal from your favourite restaurant, pour yourself a nice beverage and bon appetit!

6. Do some baking

I love me a good baking sesh!

It’s so fun and relaxing and when I’m done, I get to munch on my favourite sweet treats.

Add in your favorite playlist in the background and you’ve got yourself a dope at-home date right there.

7. Have a karaoke session at home

This is for anyone out there who loves to sing. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re actually good at it–no skills required!

Whenever I am home alone, I just LOVE to jam out to my favourite songs and pretend like I’m giving a concert to thousands of people.

8. Have an at-home dance party

This goes hand in hand with the karaoke idea. While jamming out to your favourite songs, why not bust some moves and really make it a party?

9. Take yourself for an ice cream date

An ice cream date is another really cute solo date idea, perfect for a nice, sunny day outside.

Go to your favourite ice cream place or one you’ve been waiting to try and bring a good book too. I used to do this all the time on my way back home from school. It’s such a fun way to just chill and enjoy your own company for a while.

10. Go on a little shopping spree

I had to put that one in there.

Go to a mall or a cute clothing store and treat yourself to whatever you want (within your means of course)! You deserve to feel loved and appreciated for all the ways you keep showing up in life. So why not do that by treating yourself to a little shopping spree?

Whatever anyone may have to say about this, there’s truly no feeling like the one you et when you bring home your shopping bags full of cool, new outfits and accessories that you can’t wait to try on. Or is it just me??

11. Have a free-write session

Pick a day when you are free, get into some comfy clothes and have a little free-write session.

Write whatever you desire. Experiment with different things. It could be a poem or a story. If you’re into songs or spoken word, give that a try too. It’s the perfect time to get those creative juices flowing.

12. Do some journaling

Journaling is an ideal self-care and solo-date idea thanks to how much it can help reduce stress and improve your mood.

Much like the example above, you can pick a night after work or on a weekend, get yourself a nice cup of tea and your journal and just write whatever pops into your head. You will feel a lot lighter after. The more you make this a priority (maybe every Friday night?), the more you’ll start to even look forward to it.

13. Create an at-home spa experience

Hey, it’s cliche but it still works.

In my opinion, this is one of the best self-date ideas out there. Set aside one night for self-care, grab a face mask, light some candles and soak in your tub. Use whatever you have to recreate a spa experience from the comfort of your own home. You deserve to be pampered!

14. Clean the house/re-organize your room

So this is a bit uncommon but I still consider it a great self-date idea. With some nice music in the background and no strict deadlines, cleaning or reorganizing can be pretty fun and therapeutic. The simple act of cleaning releases endorphins and can help you release pent-up stress.

15. Go to a concert

Is your favourite artist or band playing at a venue near you?

A great solo date idea is to enjoy a concert by yourself. Some might think that attending a concert by yourself is no fun but I disagree.

Of course, you need to take proper safety measures but besides that, I don’t see why you can’t have a great experience jamming out to some great live music by yourself. I checked out the concert of an artist that a friend recommended two years ago and I had an awesome time. You get to enjoy some dope live music and even though it starts off as a solo date you could even end up making a few friends there too.

16. Go to a sports game

Similar to the concert idea, if you’re a sports fan, get some tickets to a game near you. The live experience is much better than at home by yourself!

17. Take yourself out for a fancy meal

You know, I’m all about the cliches so I had to put this one on the list.

A common but still amazing way to date yourself is taking yourself out on a nice, delicious little dinner or lunch at a restaurant that you like. Or even one that you’ve just been meaning to try. If you worry about looking out of place or awkward, bring along a good book or a movie on your phone. This is also a personal favourite of mine.

18. Go on a little stroll

Why not plan a little walk in your area? You could use that time as a chance to explore your neighbourhood or city or you can stay close to home, bring along your dog if you have one and use that time to explore, clear your head and get your steps in.

19. Visit a museum

Planning a museum visit is another cool way to take yourself out on a date. This is perfect for the history lovers out there. It’s a great way to spend an afternoon having fun getting your history geek on and being transported back to some distant, faraway times.

20. Start a new book 

This is one of my absolute favourites as books are the first love of my life.

Want a great at-home, self-date idea? Grab your favourite novel, a cup of tea or a snack, wrap yourself in a cozy blanket and you’re good to go!

21. Go to a carnival

If your town/city offers cultural carnivals nearby, then make a plan to check one out on one of your off days. You’ll get to enjoy some delicious food, watch some interesting performances or enjoy somearts and crafts. Maybe you’ll even make a friend or two.

22. Pick a few activities and combine them all in one day

Who says you have to pick just one activity for the day? Do multiple!

For instance, go to a museum in the morning. On your way back, spend some time exploring your city, come home, order some food and start a new show. End the night with a relaxing at-home spa experience and voila!

There you have it peeps. So have you scheduled time for your next solo date yet?