23 Journal Prompts To Help You Gain Peace of Mind

person writing in a journal

I probably mention the benefits of journaling at least once in every article I write but it’s absolutely worth it! It is such an incredible tool to learn more about yourself and better understand your emotions!

Whenever I feel anxious or overwhelmed by life, writing in my journal always helps me break down whatever is troubling me and approach it from a calmer and more reasonable point of view. I always feel so much more at peace afterwards.

So, next time you’re feeling anxious, give these journal prompts a try. You will feel much better after!

1. List words that describe your emotions right now.

2. Why did you choose those words? Elaborate.

3. Why is this event/person triggering you right now?

4. How can you establish better boundaries with the people in your life?

5. What is currently within your control? What is outside your control?

6. How can you best manage what is within your control?

7. What is the worst-case scenario currently playing in your head? How likely is it to actually happen?

8. Describe a best-case scenario for that event. What can you do to increase the chances of that happening?

9. List different insecurities that you have. Then, reframe them into positive statements (ex: I am not smart enough —> I am still learning).

10. Write a completely free, uncensored letter to whoever/whatever is troubling you.

11. Recall a time when you felt really anxious. How did you overcome that feeling?

12. What are some things you overthink about regarding your past?

13. List reasons why you deserve to move on from those things.

14. What are some things you overthink about regarding your future?

15. List reasons why you don’t really need to worry about those things just yet.

16. What is something you feel really guilty about?

17. Write a letter where you forgive yourself for that thing.

18. What do you need right now to feel at peace?

19.Think of a conflict you recently experienced. What are some things you could have done better?

20.List 3 fears that you have.

21. Describe some ways that you can practice facing/managing those fears.

22. Write a letter to your anxiety. Acknowledge it but also list reasons why you won’t let it control you.

These prompts can give you a good start but feel free to personalize them however you want! After all, journaling is supposed to give you the space to be truly vulnerable and non-judgmental with yourself.

Remember to be patient and try to not overthink the process too much. Have fun with your journal!