Do you get anxious before going out, facing large crowds or doing anything that involves other people really?
For as long as I can remember, interacting with big groups of people has been a bit stressful for me. Thankfully it’s gotten better over the years as I’ve interacted with more people and developed more self-confidence.
But to this day I still get moments when I find myself overthinking about how others might be perceiving me or whether or not I’ve said the right things in conversations.
Sometimes, I literally have to psych myself up before going out and interacting with others because of how uncomfy it can get sometimes.
Needless to say, it’s absolutely exhausting.
But it doesn’t have to be. Your social anxiety doesn’t have to dictate your life!
This is why I came up with some positive affirmations to bring you confidence and peace if you struggle with social anxiety or a bit of awkwardness sometimes. I hope these help you like they help me every day.
32 Affirmations for Social Anxiety
1. I am awesome just as I am.
2. The world is in dire need of my weirdness!
3. I bring fun, positive and lighthearted energy to every interaction.
4. There’s no one like me and that’s what makes me uniquely amazing.

5. My weirdness is a PLUS not a minus!
6. I release any tension about this situation and embrace excitement and curiosity.
7. I focus on what I can control and let go of the rest.
8. I’m choosing to have fun in this moment, no matter what.

9. I choose to show up as my full authentic self and have fun while doing it.
10. I own my quirks and express them with no shame.
11. How others perceive me is none of my business. All that matters is how I perceive me.
12. I am valued and welcomed in any space I enter.

13. I bring value and fun to every conversation!
14. My voice matters and I express it with pride.
15. I am safe and content even if I’m not everyone’s cup of tea!
16. People value my opinions and individuality.

17. I bring value and awesomeness to any room I walk into.
18. I am enough for me and that’s all that matters.
19. I choose to release any fear or concern about how others may perceive me.
20. I choose to be present and have fun in this moment, not worry about how I may appear to others.

21. I give myself grace whenever I start to worry about other people’s perceptions of me.
22. I focus on having fun and learning as much as I can from every interaction I have with other people.
23. I celebrate the things that make me different every single day
24. I am grateful for the beautiful, awkward and lovable mess that I am!

25. I choose to believe that I am wanted and valued in any room I walk in.
26. I celebrate my individuality and do the same for others.
27. I am confident in who I am and I accept every single thing that makes me me.
28. It’s okay if people don’t like me–I like me!

29. I realize that I won’t be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay!
30. I trust that the right people who will love and appreciate my quirks will come to me naturally.
31. I effortlessly connect with the people that I’m meant to connect with.
32. I commend myself for every single time I focus less on outside opinions and choose to focus on mine instead.