Remember the days when we were kids and couldn’t wait to grow up?
Too bad we didn’t know better because is it me or this being an adult in your twenties is SOMETHING ELSE😅😭.
You’re trying to figure out your career, maybe meet your life partner and keep up with friends. Oh and you also need to keep yourself fed and make sure your house is in order.
Phewwww😅😅. I already feel exhausted just writing this.
No one gave us an instruction manual for this rollercoaster called adulthood and we’re all just navigating it as best we can, making plenty of mistakes and having a laugh along the way.
So here are 35 hilarious quotes that perfectly sum up the complicated, awkward but endearing experience of being a young adult in your twenties. Enjoy!
35 Funny Quotes About Adulting
1. “I feel like my life is just a series of awkward events separated by snacks.” – Tina Fey
2.”You know you’re in your 20s when you can’t tell if you’re tired because you haven’t slept or because you’re just tired of life.” – Unknown
3.”Being an adult is like folding a fitted sheet. No one really knows how.” – Unknown
4.”I’m not a ‘morning person.’ I’m a ‘coffee person.'” – Kristen Bell
5.”I love being a young adult in my 20s… except when I’m too old for certain things and too young for others.” – Emma Watson
6.”I’m just trying to get through my 20s without dying of awkwardness.” – Miley Cyrus
7.”I have a lot of plans for my 20s. Most of them involve coffee.” – Unknown
8.”I’m at an age where I’m not sure if I want to go to bed early or get drunk with my friends. Both sound equally appealing.” – Ariana Grande
9.”Being a 20-something is just being confused, figuring it out, and eating cereal for dinner.” – Zac Efron
10.”The 20s are for making mistakes… and pretending you have it all together.” – Unknown
11.”In your 20s, you have no idea what you’re doing, but you pretend like you do.” – Blake Lively
12.”I am in my twenties, so I am making bad decisions and blaming it on youth.” – Kristen Stewart
13.”In my 20s, I thought I had it all figured out. In my 30s, I realize I had absolutely nothing figured out.” – Unknown
14.”I used to be a people person, but then people ruined it.” – Unknown
15.”Being in your 20s means being broke but still managing to make ‘treat yourself’ a life motto.” – Sophia Bush
16.”The hardest part about being a young adult is not knowing what you’re doing with your life and pretending like you do.” – Unknown
17.”I spent my twenties trying to figure out how to be an adult, and I still don’t have it.” – Kristen Wiig
18.”If you can’t be a good example, be a terrible warning.” – Unknown
19.”It’s funny how I didn’t know what I was doing in my 20s, and now I’m not sure if I’m any better at it in my 30s.” – Jimmy Fallon
20.”Sometimes I wonder if I’m the only person who’s totally confused by the whole ‘being an adult’ thing.” – Rihanna
21.”My 20s are me trying to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life while I’m also trying to figure out what I want to eat for lunch.” – Unknown
22.”You can’t be young and broke forever, but you can certainly try.” – Unknown
23.”In your 20s, you spend half your time saying ‘I’m figuring it out,’ and the other half thinking ‘I hope nobody knows I’m not actually figuring it out.'” – Unknown
24.”The best part about being in your 20s is that you get to act like you have it all together, even though you have no idea what you’re doing.” – Unknown
25.”Your 20s are the time to screw up. It’s when you find out what works and what doesn’t—usually at 3 a.m. while crying into a pizza.” – Taylor Swift
26.”I spend more time figuring out what to wear than I do deciding on what to do with my life.” – Selena Gomez
27.”In your 20s, you realize that you’re both too old to make mistakes and too young to have it all figured out.” – Unknown
28.”Life in your 20s: figuring out what you want to do while pretending you have the time and energy to do it.” – Unknown
29.”It’s normal to not have your life together when you’re 22. It’s just awkward when you’re 28 and still don’t have it together.” – Unknown
30.”I don’t have a five-year plan. I have a ‘what do I feel like doing tomorrow?’ plan.” – Adam Sandler
31.”You know you’re in your 20s when you start using words like ‘adulting’ in real conversation.” – Unknown
32.”I’m 25, which means I’m at the perfect age for having existential crises and staying up too late worrying about them.” – John Mayer
33.”At 25, I’m still trying to figure out why my fridge is always empty.” – Zac Efron
34.”Being a young adult means trying to balance making good choices and still partying like it’s 1999.” – Unknown
35.”I’m just trying to survive my 20s without becoming a meme.” – Unknown