4 Common Things You Overthink About And How To Stop

A girl who will overthink about something.

A typical day in the life of an overthinker looks like this. You overthink something, attempt to focus on life for a short while, maybe go to work or school and right back to overthinking.

If like me you have an overactive mind and overthink basically anything in your life, over the course of a day, a million different thoughts run through your head.

Maybe you just graduated and you’re wondering what the future holds and what you will achieve in your life. Perhaps you have a great idea for a project you’d like to work on but you are so petrified by everything that could go wrong that you never even start! Or, is there some low moment in your past that you just can’t let go of and keep replaying in your mind all the time?

I thought it would be interesting to describe some of the most common things we tend to overthink along with some simple reminders on how to stop. Can you relate to any of those?

1. All The Stuff You Need To Do

It’s very easy to get wrapped up in your to-do lists. Maybe there is an important phone call you need to make or an email you need to respond to. And what about that important project you need to work on? You still have two months until it’s due but why not start worrying about how difficult it will be to complete NOW??

It’s funny how some of us believe that somehow we’ll make progress on our to-do lists by thinking about them. This is so hilarious because nothing has ever gotten done by simply thinking about it.

Reminder: do your best to organize your tasks based on priority so you don’t get overwhelmed. Only focus on what is absolutely necessary and set specific times when you will tackle the rest.

2. The Past

You’re not really an overthinker if you don’t spend time replaying some embarrassing moments from 10 years ago at least once a week (or once a day let’s be real). As if overthinking and reminiscing about those moments will somehow make them better and less embarrassing.

Nope! Whatever happened, happened. You can’t change it. Whatever embarrassing stuff you might have done, own it. Accept it. And MOVE ON!! 

Reminder: Do yourself a favour and just forgive yourself for the awkward moments and mistakes of the past! You didn’t know any better. But you do now. So do better next time.

3. The Future

If you always overthink about things that haven’t happened yet or whether or not you’ll reach whatever goals you’ve set for yourself for 10 years from now, here’s a reminder: it doesn’t matter (just yet)! It’s okay to plan and work towards your goals to a certain extent, but don’t overthink it every single moment of every day.

The present moment is called “present” for a reason. There’s nothing more precious than that. You know, there are moments spent with my friends or family that I wish I had enjoyed more and been more present for instead of being distracted by things that ended up not even happening or being important in the end.

I realize now that time is flying by and life is short so I make a point to be as present as possible—because that’s where all the fun happens!

Reminder: live in the now! There’s no place like the present. Tomorrow will take care of itself.

4. What Others Think

Other people’s opinions are just that: opinions. They are not facts.

Most people who judge you or criticize you for trying something different often do so because you are actually trying to achieve great things in your life, unlike them. It says a lot more about them than it does about you.

Reminder: the day when you finally stop putting so much importance on other people’s opinions and give yourself permission to be who you want to be and do what you want to do, is the day when you will really start to live a great life. One that’s free of expectations and truly on YOUR terms.

What are some other things you overthink about on a regular basis? Let me know below!