5 Habits of Women Who Live Life to the Fullest

a happy woman

I recently wrote a post on how to feel more attractive when you have anxiety. In that post, I mentioned that attractive people actually enjoy their life and so I thought this topic deserved a post of its own

Life is short and there is so much to be grateful for and excited about.

Even though it gets hard sometimes, don’t let yourself get hung up on the things you can’t control and forget to enjoy your life in the process.

So here are 5 traits I’ve observed in women who live their lives to the max and get genuine happiness from it. I hope they inspire you to start taking the necessary steps to make your life a happier one!

5 Traits of Women Who Enjoy Their Lives

1. They forgive themselves

None of us are perfect. Literally no one!

We all make mistakes. Or, we make poor decisions sometimes that can affect us or others around us.

But do you know the difference between happy women and those who are not?

The happy ones forgive themselves and move on!

They don’t dwell on their mistakes. They learn from them and strive to do better next time.

They’re also aware of the incredible power of their words so they make a point to be kind to themselves and avoid negative self-talk.

This helps them focus on what truly matters in life and adopt a growth mindset in challenging situations.

Since they’re not busy rehashing past mistakes, they have more energy, peace and focus to pursue the opportunities and experiences that truly matter to them. 

2. They’re not afraid to take risks

To live your life to the fullest, you can’t be afraid to take risks.

When it comes to your goals and dreams, you have to acknowledge your fears and limitations but decide to move forward anyway

Women who achieve great things in life are willing to take great risks. They don’t let themselves be held back by their fears or limiting beliefs.

They are confident in their abilities and trust that no matter what happens, they will be okay. Things might not work out the way they would like but if or when that happens, they will be able to adapt accordingly.

3. They exude positive energy

Women who are genuinely excited about their lives radiate positive energy.

They smile often. They laugh at any and everything. They’re not afraid to look silly. They approach any activity with energy and excitement.

For that reason, awesome, healthy people and opportunities come to them effortlessly.

For example, I looove to use extra exclamation points when I text my friends about something I’m excited to do. The real lie equivalent of that is me jumping around to announce exciting news and making a huge deal about it. It’s one of my signature personality traits and one of the reasons why many people love being around me! It reminds them to have fun and not take themselves too seriously.

4. They laugh often (even at themselves)

Laughing is such a beautiful act.

Things are just so serious these days. All you have to do is turn on the news or log on to social media and you have access to some depressing event happening somewhere in the world.

That’s why I have so much respect for people who in spite of all this, are still able to find the beauty in every day. 

Let’s face it, life is what you make of it.

Not to sound like I’m preaching toxic positivity, but there really are so many reasons to laugh and be joyful if you’re intentional about finding them.

Whether that’s having a conversation with a friend and laughing at a joke they tell you. Or realizing you put your shirt on backwards and finding humor in the situation instead of bashing yourself for it.

So instead of focusing on the sad stuff or worrying about everything you haven’t achieved or the things going wrong in your life, find ways to laugh more!

5. They protect their relationships

We are social creatures and we need good relationships to thrive.

They are quite literally essential to our happiness and well-being.

That’s why women who live fulfilling lives prioritize their relationships and nurture them.

They make time for their family and friends.

Even if sometimes life can get very busy and unpredictable, they make a point to always check in with their loved ones and plan fun activities with them.

Not only that, they also embrace new connections, meeting new people and forming new friendships.

6. They prioritize their health

To live a happy life, you need to be strong and healthy.

You can’t be doing amazing, fun, exciting things if you have zero energy and you’re always feeling sluggish!

The women who are out there doing awesome things in their lives take care of their health because they know it’s one of the keys to a happy life.

They exercise and consistently move their bodies and are grateful that they’re even able to do so.

They consume nutritious food that fuels them daily.

And beyond their physical health, they take care of their mental health too by journaling or going to therapy for example. They also self-reflect and work to heal their traumas because they know being emotionally and mentally healthy is conducive to a peaceful, happy life.

7. They live in the present

There’s no better time than the present.

And the people who enjoy their lives to the max understand that.

They let go of the past which has gone and don’t stress about the future which hasn’t happened yet.

They are fully immersed in the present and are aware that it’s a gift. You can’t get back the times you’ve lost but you can make the most of the time you have now.

That is why it’s so important to bring yourself back to the NOW with activities that keep you grounded like exercise or meditation.

Keeping stress at bay with journaling or therapy is also key. Spending time with friends and loved ones and prioritizing experiences with them is also a great way to get out of your head and back to the present.

Is there something else you would add to this list? Let me know!