7 Obvious Signs You Desperately Need a Mental Break

a woman in need of a mental break

For a while I’ve been feeling completely and utterly drained.

I have virtually no energy.

All I want to do is sleep all day.

And getting through my to-do list every day is such an arduous task for some reason.

I’m used to always being on the go and getting things done, so it took me a while to admit to myself that I was burned out and in dire need of not only a physical break but a mental break as well.

We live in a culture that glorifies hustle and busyness often at the expense of our health. I thought it was necessary to remind ourselves of the telltale signs that a break is needed to ensure that we get the rest we need if the need ever comes up. If you experience any of these, it’s likely because you need to slow down and take a much-needed break.

1. You’re easily irritable

I’m not proud of this one at all.

But when I am burned out, running on fumes and have way too many things going on, I tend to snap at people and act rather bitchy. 

For instance, when things are not arranged the way I would like in the house, I immediately start complaining to my family. I bash them for being messy and not doing things the right way.

Or when life happens and some plan goes wrong, I have to force myself to stay calm, breathe and not freak out on anyone.

For example, if my sister doesn’t return a jacket that she borrowed from me, I can feel myself getting unnecessarily angry, instead of calmly going to ask her about it because maybe she just forgot.

Sometimes I even get annoyed for no reason! I literally have to force myself to not break down and scream at anyone and everything!

And then I feel really bad because usually, the people closest to me have to bear the brunt of this!

So if you find yourself feeling very annoyed and triggered by even the littlest things, it might be a sign that you are overwhelmed by everything going on in your life and you need a mental break.

2. You can’t focus

Do you struggle to get through your day-to-day tasks?

Can’t pay attention in class? Does your mind drift off during conversations?

When you are stressed out, your brain is focused on survival and the parts of it in charge of concentration get less energy. The cognitive overload from worrying and overthinking prevents you from focusing on the important things you need to do.

If you are worried about all the stuff you need to get done, your brain will feel very full and will use up so much of your energy. It’s no wonder you’re not able to concentrate on anything else.

3. You just can’t be productive

It’s incredibly hard to get through my to-do list when I am burned out.

Every night I plan the following day hoping that this time I will actually get through everything on my list.

But the next day, first of all, I don’t wake up on time which throws off my entire schedule. By the time I finish one task, it’s already the afternoon and the day is already almost over!

If you feel like you can’t get yourself organized, you can’t focus and accomplish the things you need to be doing, maybe you need to take a step back and give yourself a break to recharge mentally.

4. You want to sleep all day

One of the most obvious signs you need a mental break is when you have zero energy. 

You get out of bed after a full night’s sleep but you don’t feel well rested.

You barely do anything strenuous during the day yet you find yourself needing a nap in the afternoon. 

Now this could be a sign of something else that is going on (like autoimmune issues or depression). That’s why I highly recommend checking in with your doctor if you always feel exhausted for long periods of time.

But this could also be a sign that you’re likely putting too much pressure on yourself, you have too much on your plate and you need to rest. 

Last week, I decided to spend my Sunday in bed. I was mentally exhausted from submitting job applications, trying to plan for graduation and staying in touch with long-distance friends in different time zones

So I spent most of the day in bed going from sleeping to reading a book back to sleeping.

It honestly did me a lot of good. Sure my to-do list still felt a mile long after but I felt more refreshed and like I had a bit more energy to tackle everything.

5. You keep thinking about getting away

For the past few months, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about going away on a solo getaway to Puerto Rico.

I had been thinking about it for a while since I visited there last year and absolutely loved it. But lately, the stress of the post-grad season is really starting to get to me so I am in great need of a getaway.

What helps me a lot is remembering the calm, sandy beaches of the island and all the amazing foods I got to try there. 

Basically, I equate this vision with NO STRESS. This is where my mind goes whenever I feel overwhelmed by the current demands of my life and I need to ground myself.

So maybe your life right now feels a bit messy and uncertain. If you can’t stop thinking about leaving and putting everything behind you for a little while, it’s a major sign that you need to give yourself a break as soon as possible.

6. You can’t get through simple tasks

Writing my articles for this blog is usually not too difficult for me, but it’s been extra hard these last few months.

I’ve really had to give myself some grace while still pushing myself to stay consistent with posting.  

I feel this strain usually when I’m mentally exhausted. This tends to make me a bit creatively blocked.

The same has happened with my exercise routine.

So if there is an activity that you’re usually able to get through easily (maybe exercising, cleaning the house or something else) but it feels weirdly difficult these days, give yourself a break because you probably need it.

7. Your hobbies don’t excite you anymore

I’m a foodie and I love to bake.

But even THAT feels so hard these days!

Before, I would get so excited to set out the ingredients, put on some music and bake some sweet little treats for my family and me. But lately I feel tired just thinking of having to stand up, take out the ingredients that I need and actually put in the work of kneading or whipping for whatever it is I want to bake.

Same thing goes for hanging out with my friends. I may be an introvert but I always enjoy planning fun activities with my best friends. It honestly brightens my days. These days though, I don’t even have the energy for a conversation!

The things you love to do shouldn’t feel so hard. It shouldn’t feel like they’re taking so much out of you.

They should energize you! So if your hobbies don’t feel like that anymore, it’s a clear sign you need to re-evaluate all the demands in your life and make the time to get some rest.

As soon as you feel the need to, remember to take a pause on the demands of life and get the rest you need. Your body, your mind and your overall well-being will thank you!