8 Habits for Better Sleep and a Cozy Night Routine

Is it me or for us overthinkers, our brains become EXTRA active at night?

Maybe this is left over from my college days when I used to do a lot of work at night (it was basically daytime for me!). But I’ve discovered that for some reason, going to bed is never really an easy feat for me. It’s like a switch comes on in my brain signalling that now (midnight) is the perfect time to mentally start checking things off my to-do list or go over every interaction and decision made that day.

This is not exactly ideal because nighttime is supposed to be a time of rest. When you’re too busy thinking, reminiscing and planning, you are not getting the rest and restoration your body and mind need. As a result, the next day, you’ll likely be in a crappy mood, unable to concentrate and wondering why staying up late felt like a smart decision at the time.

If this sounds like you, read on for some things I do to relax at night whenever my mind won’t let me. Feel free to incorporate some of the following tips into your routine so you can quiet your mind and finally get a good night’s sleep!

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Plan the day ahead

One of the things that can really keep me up at night is thinking about all the things I have to do the next day. Sometimes, I feel so distracted by my long to-do list that I’ll think, “Why not get started on it right now? It’s not like I actually feel sleepy!”

Wrong! This is obviously a terrible idea!

At night, you’re supposed to rest, sleep and recharge. Getting started on your to-do list at that time is robbing you of the rest that you need after a long day. Moreover, you will be much more productive and energized to tackle your tasks the NEXT day after a good night’s sleep.

That is why I like to use Todoist to plan my day ahead of time. It allows me to empty my head by having all the tasks I need to complete in one place and I can quickly add anything else that may come up.

Put your phone aside

The world has your attention ALL DAY LONG. Thanks to social media, emails and whatever other business you conduct on your phone, you just can’t catch a break! So why not save nighttime for yourself? It’s the least you deserve!

Implement a strict schedule for yourself whereby your phone needs to be turned off by a specific time each night.

This might sound too difficult for the expert worriers out there. Maybe you worry that the apocalypse will strike while you’re asleep and you need your phone to be on so people can let you know when it does!

If this is you, how about turning off your social media and simply keeping your phone a safe distance from where you sleep? As a bonus, if you have an alarm set up, you will have no choice but to get up to turn it off (no more snoozing!).

Another option is to activate the “do not disturb” feature on your phone. You can set it up to turn on and off at specific times. It will mute any notification, thus allowing you to focus on getting your beauty sleep.

Put some soothing scents in your room

I like to have a lavender scent set up in my room. It is incredibly calming and helps me de-stress and get into a sleepy mood. Sometimes I will light a lavender-infused candle an hour before going to bed or I’ll put a few drops of it on my wrist.

This is one of my favourites but you could also try jasmine or frankincense. If you have any other preference that works the same for you, you can use that too.

Worried? Journal!

If your worries are keeping you up at night, how about some journaling?

It is a great tool for anxiety and stress relief. Whenever negative thoughts are preventing me from catching some zzzs, having a nice brain dump in my journal always makes me feel better.

Sometimes, I’ll even start with this “basic” but powerful prompt: “What’s on your mind right now?”

Find a relaxing activity

Maybe you’re having some trouble falling asleep due to some leftover tension from the day. If that’s the case find an activity that can help you unwind. Maybe some light exercise or stretching, or watching a comedy show.

I always like to have a cup of tea before bed, preferably chamomile, because of its anxiety-relieving properties.

I also love to spend time going through my skincare routine. A good skincare routine can do wonders for your mental health by bringing you to a state of mindfulness. It is actually one of the few times when my mind is not racing with thoughts and it ALWAYS helps me feel much calmer and at peace.

Talk to a friend

Sometimes you just need to vent your thoughts to an actual human being. If you think a friend might be awake at the same time as you, why not give them a call or shoot them a text?

Read a good book

There is nothing like a good story to steal you away from the present moment (and whatever may be on your mind) and take you to a fictitious land far far away!

Have a relaxing playlist in the background

Playing some relaxing music in the background interrupts my thinking patterns by giving me something else to focus on.

It brings me back to the present moment and always helps lull me into a deep sleep. My favourite “sleeping playlists” include piano themes of Disney songs or violin covers of famous pop songs.

I hope these help!

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