You know how people say sometimes that something will change your life and you wonder how right they are?
Believe me when I say that movement actually does!
Sometimes I wonder why I didn’t prioritize exercise earlier in life because once I did, it actually changed my life.
Exercise and staying active does WONDERS for your mental health because it releases the good hormones serotonin and dopamine which help boost your mood and focus.
Now, I’m going to be honest: I’m not a gym person. I enjoy staying active but you won’t catch me in a gym exercising with equipment.
I personally think it gets overwhelming with all the machines and my social anxiety gets a teeny bit triggered with all the people around hehe. I will occasionally attend a fitness class but that’s as far as I’m willing to go.
If you’re like me and would much rather find simple, sustainable ways to stay active from the comfort of your own home, here are 9 hacks I use to stay fit right from home. I hope you find these as helpful as I have!
1. Home workouts are the way to go!

One of my fav ways to stay active from home!
I’m not that creative when it comes to exercise and I don’t like going to a gym full of people.
When I started working out consistently, I had no clue what I was doing. Which is why I loved following workout videos!!
Not only do they explain the moves in detail but it feels like I’m following an in-person class with the trainer actually there to encourage me and push me!
My fav person to follow on Instagram for workouts is Krissy Cela!!!
Her content is so wholesome and I love how she encourages women to ignore what anybody else may say or expect from them and just focus on staying fit for THEMSELVES!!!
I follow the short workout videos from her Instagram and YouTube pages but she also has her EvolveYou fitness app which offers a variety of workouts for all your fitness needs.
This is someone that I personally like to follow but there are countless people you could check out online. You just have to take your pick based on what your fitness goals are.
2. Stair climbing!
Every once in a while when I feel like I haven’t exercised enough, I like to go up and down my staircase to work my legs out a bit.
Walking up the stairs will help you burn fat and get your heart rate up.
Obviously this only applies if you have stairs in your house but if you think walking is a bit too boring and you want a bit more of a challenge, go for the stairs!
3. Jump rope

Do you have memories from your childhood of jumping rope with your friends and doing all sorts of cool tricks?
That was me a few months ago which is why I decided to add rope jumping into my exercise options.
Not gonna lie, it’s been a bitt hard for me to get used to it again but I’m having fun re-learning the ropes (pun intended)!
So I highly suggest you consider adding this as well to your workouts. Not only is it great for your heart and bone health, it helps improve your overall coordination as well.
4. Lift some weights
Tbh I never realized the importance of strength training until recently.
I got into it when I started attending a weekly weight lifting class at my university last year.
That’s why I now try to incorporate it into my home workout routine at least once a week.
Strength training is KEY as it helps build muscle and strengthen your bones and joints. This will help you function well and have a much better quality of life later in life.
Even if you feel like you’re “late” in your strength training journey, it’s never too late to start!
I also take pole dancing classes which require a lot of core and upper body strength and can help you get really strong. That’s another way that I get my strength training in and I highly recommend if you’re interested!
5. Morning pushups

One of my best friends is in the military and he recommended doing a few pushups in the morning to get yourself awake and ready for the day.
He knows his stuff about health and fitness so I gladly took his advice.
This is a simple hack but in my opinion it’s a great way to kickstart your system and fully wake yourself up especially when you feel a bit groggy in the morning.
It also helps if you don’t feel like doing a full on workout but you still want to add some movement into your morning routine!
6. Walk around your house
Basic but it works!
Walking is a great cardiovascular exercise. It works all your muscles and gets your heart rate up.
It’s defo a great, simple and quick exercise to add to your routine to stay active. If you happen to have a very big house, even better but you can work with whatever you have.
And tbh, whenever I feel stressed and go for a short walk, I feel like I’m leaving all my issues and worries behind.
So if you have enough space in your house, take some time to get your steps in. You could even do it in your garden if you have one.
Use that time to listen to some music or an audiobook or have a chat with a friend on the phone.
7. Yoga

I used to take yoga classes at my university as well and I really loved it.
Sure yoga is great for flexibility and toning your body but what I really loved about it was the mindfulness aspect of it. It’s a great way to calm your mind down and really get back into your own body.
8. Stretching
This is a simple workout option to tone your body and promote flexibility.
I am currently trying to improve my splits for no particular reason other than I just think they’re so cool to do 🤣!
So I am stretching about 3-4 times a week. Sometimes I do my stretches after my workout or before going to bed as I feel that helps me unwind and relax my body before sleepy.
You can even do them when chilling in your living room or watching TV!
You don’t have to go as far as me but adding some stretching to your routine is great for the reasons mentioned above and it’s a great way to prevent injury when exercising (make sure to stretch before and after your workouts!).
9. At-home dance party!

This is one of the best ways to get a great workout at home!
Put on your favorite song and have a little dance party !
It gets your heart pumping and works out all your muscles but you don’t even realize because you’re too busy having fun!
What other hacks do you use to stay active from home? Let me know below!