How To Live In The Present More

How can we live in the present more?

That’s the million-dollar question for us overthinkers!

Sometimes, we’re rehashing our most embarrassing mistakes or that one response we should have said in an argument 10 years ago. Or we are overly worried about the future. We want to ensure that everything we want to achieve in life, happens exactly the way we want.

Here’s the truth: the past is gone. It’s over and done with. There’s absolutely NO point rehashing it except to learn from our mistakes, not wallow in them.

And the future hasn’t happened yet so worrying about it has no real purpose. What’s meant to happen will happen. All we can do is make good choices NOW and hope they lead us to where we want to go but really we cannot control every single thing. That’s just not possible.

That is why we need to learn to live in the present moment. When you are in the here and now, you are connected with your environment and the people in it. You actually get to experience and enjoy your life. In my opinion, this is what it’s all about at the end of the day. The past is gone and the future will take care of itself so why not be present and enjoy every moment?

Life is short and I don’t want to miss a second of it. So here are 5 ways I try to stay more engaged and live in the present moment. I hope you find these helpful!

1. Spend time with friends and family

There’s no better way to get out of your head and have fun than to spend time with your loved ones. In fact, it is imperative! So imperative that you should even schedule it!

The older you get, the more difficult it gets to make plans with friends and family. That’s when people get busier with work, school or they move to different places.

But this is vital because when you spend time with loved ones doing simple but fun activities, you get to enjoy yourself and connect with other human beings. This in turn gets you out of your head and brings you back to the present moment.

This can be as simple as scheduling regular calls with a close friend or parent, planning a weekly game night or finding fun, new activities to try with friends in your city.

2. Move your body

One of the best ways to get out of your head and back to the present moment (and honestly one of my favs) is to move your body.

This is soo important! Make it a habit to exercise consistently in a way that works for YOU!

That could be dancing, going for a 30-minute walk a few times a week, doing some yoga or hitting the gym.

Whatever it is, make sure it is relatively simple and enjoyable for you so it doesn’t feel like a chore!

Exercising works wonders not only for your physical health but for your mental health as well. It releases endorphins which are chemicals in your brain that contribute to a better mood and reduced feelings of stress.

I started taking a salsa class a couple of months ago and I absolutely love it! It helps me get my heart rate up and I get to break out some moves while listening to my favourite songs. After the class, I feel much more relaxed and excited about life in general.

It’s crucial for me to have fun while working out otherwise I won’t actually want to do it. That’s also why I attend a weekly yoga class with a friend and I always include fun playlists or podcasts in my simple home workouts.

3. Plan a fun trip

If you have the opportunity and the financial means, I highly suggest planning a small getaway somewhere.

I recently went on a girls’ trip to a small island in the Caribbean. I kind of had to be convinced to go, to be honest. Typical me kept worrying about the logistics of the trip and I felt like it’d be too complicated to plan. But in the end, I was so glad I went! It was the perfect break from the craziness of everyday life and I got to explore a beautiful place with my friends!

Travelling is hella cool because it broadens your perspective, exposes you to new experiences and reminds you that there is more to life than the BS you’ve got on repeat in your head.

By the way! You don’t need to break the bank for your trip! Even planning a small weekend escape solo or with friends to a cute location not far from where you live (if possible) can do the trick!

So take your trip! You’ll thank me later!

4. Find a new hobby

Another way to get out of your head and back into the present is by practicing a new hobby. Maybe consider learning a new skill or a language. It forces you to be fully engaged and boosts your problem-solving skills and creativity. It also does wonders for your brain health and your cognitive development.

I’m a HUGE fan of fiction novels. They’re a great escape for me. Romance, drama and thrillers are my favourite genres. There’s literally never been a time that I was preoccupied about something and picking up a good book didn’t immediately make me feel better.

I am also currently trying to improve my Spanish. It’s way out of my comfort zone so I really have to be focused when I’m learning but I’m still having a lot of fun!

5. Journaling

If you have to take away one tip from this list, let it be journaling.

Journaling is one of my favourite ways to put my overthinking on pause and get back to the real world. It helps me interrupt the cycle of overthinking since I get to write out my thoughts on paper (and get them out of my head) so I can better analyze them and make sense of them.


There is no better time than the present. It’s one of the best gifts of all! It would suck being at the end of your life and realizing that you didn’t enjoy every moment because your brain was too busy reminiscing about the past or worrying about the future.

So this is your reminder to get OUT of your head and BACK TO the here and now!