7 Simple But Crucial Ways to Be Happier in 2024

Being happier in life is a lot simpler than you think.

There will always be problems and life will always throw you curveballs. And it’s easy to get caught up in it all.

But if you want more happiness and peace in your everyday life, you have to be very intentional about it.

So here are 7 reminders for you to hold on to so you can find more joy and be happier in the upcoming new year.

1. Don’t overthink the small stuff

It’s true!

Those of us who overthink everything like to make such a big deal about every little thing sometimes!

What we sound like, how we look, or whether or not you should tell someone you like them for instance.

It’s easy to worry and try to anticipate every outcome because it makes us feel like we have some kind of control. But all it does is drive us nuts and prevent us from taking action.

In the scenario I mentioned above, I was nervous about telling a guy that I liked him. I listed all the reasons why I shouldn’t (including that he probably wouldn’t like me back, even though I had no way of knowing because I couldn’t read his mind, OR that he wouldn’t take me seriously).

My good friend told me to just go for it and stop overthinking the small stuff. It wasn’t that serious. And I think that’s so relevant for everyday life, not just romantic prospects. 

So if something is not going to matter in 5 years, stop worrying about it.

Instead, practice putting yourself out there, taking more risks, facing your fears and doing the things you want to do.

And remember, don’t overthink the small stuff!

2. Decide what you are going to stress about

Just like the previous point, there are some things in life that you just don’t need to worry about.

If you are an overthinker or a chronic worrier, you sometimes feel like everything is an emergency and every little crisis or issue needs your undivided attention at all times. 

That’s realistically not possible. All that will do is leave you feeling drained and resentful of other people because you always take on more than you should. 

Sometimes, we forget that we have complete control over what we worry about. We don’t have to be at the mercy of anxiety or overwhelm. 

So to become happier you need to take your power back, decide what’s worthy of your time, energy and attention and plan your life accordingly.

3. You don’t have to answer to anyone but you

Scenario 2: I was shopping for a pair of shoes that I really liked but was a bit different from what I usually went for. Immediately I started to worry about what people would think of me if I wore those shoes.

That is when a wise man (aka my Dad) reminded me of a very important life lesson: you don’t have to answer to anyone but yourself.

So who cares what people think? If you want to do something and it makes you happy, do it!

Instead of wasting your life trying to please everyone or worrying how other people will react to your choices, just do what you want to do.

If you constantly worry about other people’s opinions, you will never accomplish anything because it’s IMPOSSIBLE to please everyone. You also won’t feel content with your life from being so concerned with everybody else’s needs and not your own.

So focus on the only person whose opinion actually matters: YOURS!

4. Never speak against YOU

Negative self-talk is one of the top ways to make yourself really, really unhappy in life.

It’s bad enough we have to take criticism from people around us. And that we have to live with people hating on us and trying to keep us from living our best lives.

But for some reason, we also really like to do this to ourselves! 

In a world that is always trying to find fault with you, dare to do the opposite and stop being against yourself. Instead, cheer for yourself and become your biggest cheerleader.

No one will show up for you better than you so make sure you do it well and you will live a happier life.

5. Take it one day at a time

Over the past couple of years, I have been very concerned about achieving different milestones by a certain age.

I saw many of my friends or other people my age getting jobs straight after graduation or getting into serious relationships (with some even getting married). Meanwhile, I was not on the same path as them and I felt so behind in life.

Honestly, I still feel that way sometimes. After all, society tells us that we need to have all these things figured out by certain times to be on the “right track”. 

But I believe the “right track” is very subjective. We each have different objectives in life and none of us are on the same path. Instead of shaming some people for “not being on the right track”, let’s celebrate the little bit of progress that they make on their goals, whatever those might be.

What helps me get through these moments when I feel like I’m doing something wrong and my life is not going the way it is supposed to, is to take a deep breath and just go one day at a time. 

Anyone can plan a specific trajectory for their life but most likely, something will happen to throw it off course. And sometimes that’s a good thing.

Looking back, all those moments when I felt like I was behind and not making any progress in life, were actually moments that taught me invaluable skills and helped me develop aspects of my personality and character that I wouldn’t have been able to otherwise.

So when you feel overwhelmed that life is not going according to plan, calm down and just focus on putting one foot in front of the other. That might look like getting out of bed on time every morning. Or, taking 1 hour every week to do something that you enjoy. 

In my opinion, being happier in life is not rocket science. You don’t need to have it all figured out. Just take things one day at a time and eventually, everything will happen the way it is supposed to.

6. Be proud of what you have

Comparing yourself to others is pointless. Each and every one of us was created with a unique set of skills, personalities and physical attributes that make us who we are. 

Why would you want to be like anybody else? Just be you and own every part of YOU.

Yes, I know this is wayyy easier said than done.

For instance, let’s say you have a friend who is super charismatic and can talk to anyone while you struggle to be comfortable in large groups. Or maybe you don’t like the sound of your own voice so you struggle to speak up and express yourself (which I did for a very long time).

Yes, there are people with amazing abilities out there. But I guarantee you that there are qualities that you have that they don’t.

Even if you’re not a fan of large crowds, maybe you are an amazing listener and you give excellent advice and that’s what your friends know you for. Or maybe, even though you think your voice sounds weird, you really enjoy singing and tons of people are mesmerized when you sing for them.

A lot of the insecurities we have about ourselves come from negative experiences that scarred us at some point in our lives. But they are not true and we don’t have to listen to them.

So whatever insecurity you have about your personality, physique or background, embrace it, own it and decide to keep going forward in spite of it. Show up authentically and confidently as yourself in every moment of every day and I promise your future, much happier self will thank you!

7. You have one body. Take care of it.

Over the past year, I have lost close relatives unexpectedly to various illnesses. They were people who were so strong and full of life, it didn’t feel like anything could ever take them down.

This has seriously made me reflect on how important it is to take care of one’s health. 

Life is short and to an extent, there is a lot that you don’t control. But you have some control over some things like the quality of your sleep, your eating habits, and how you manage stress. 

We are all humans, we’re not perfect. Life will get in the way. But in the coming year, make it a priority to take better care of yourself and your overall health and well-being. Start exercising consistently in a way that is actually fun for you. Get better sleep and watch what you eat.

My goal is to improve my sleeping habits. Since college, it has been all over the place and it’s been difficult to get on a better schedule. But I am going to keep trying!

Also, do not neglect your mental health. Develop a self-care routine to help you disconnect and relax. I strongly recommend journaling because it is such a great tool for self-reflection and anxiety relief. Seeing a therapist is also another option.

The point is to find something that helps you consistently self-reflect and get your thoughts out of your head so you are not always stressing yourself out because of them.

Final Thoughts

Living a more joyful life and being present and excited about things doesn’t have to be complicated. All you need to do is focus on the little things in life that truly matter and keep the reminders above close to your heart. I hope this helped!