12 Journal Prompts to Help You Be More Grateful Everyday

a cute journal in neutral background

Practicing gratitude is crucial to living a good life.

I know…everybody says it. But it’s true!

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we get sad, anxious and overwhelmed with things and we forget that there is so much that we already have and that we should be grateful for.

One great way to do this is to journal about it. Make it a habit to write down every day the little things that make your life awesome.

I recently started spontaneously writing something I am grateful for every time I start to worry or feel preoccupied with something. This helps bring me right back to the present and it reminds me that whatever I am worried about is not that important in the grand scheme of things.

So here are 12 journal prompts to remind you to be grateful for the small things that make your life way more beautiful than you realize.

12 Journal Prompts To Help You Be More Grateful Everyday

1.What are the three wins I had today?

2.List and describe your superpowers (whatever they may be!)

3.Write a thank you letter to your body for all that it does for you.

 4.List some people you are very thankful for and why they mean so much to you.

5.List some things that you can look forward to today.

6.What are some simple, little things that you could be more appreciative of?

 7.What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

8.What is a resource you have today that you didn’t have a year ago?

9.What can you do to make today a great day for you?

10.What can I do for someone else to make today a great day for them?

11.What is my favourite thing to do in nature and why do I love it so much?

12. Recall someone/something that made you laugh recently.

How has journaling helped you be more grateful in life? Let me know down below!