20 Positive Affirmations To Boost Your Mood in The Morning

a girl waking up in the morning

Do you wake up feeling blah? Instantly overwhelmed by life and your never-ending to do lists?

Sometimes, I wake up feeling anxious about the day before I even step out of my bed.

And it doesn’t even matter if I got enough hours of sleep the night before. I can already feel crushed by the demands of the day and everything I need to do.

Honestly, this just makes me want to stay in bed the whole day.

But a very important part of my morning routine that helps me feel a bit more upbeat about my day is reciting my affirmations. 

Positive affirmations can do wonders for your confidence and overall outlook on life. They can help you feel excited about the day and more at peace within yourself.

It’s honestly something I always look forward to because reciting those positive words always helps me feel more at peace, confident and enthusiastic about my day. That then sets the tone for my whole day. If for some reason, I’m not able to recite one because I’m in a rush or I forget, I will do it later in the day.

So here are 20 of my favourite positive affirmations to say in the morning. I hope they inspire you as much as they do me and they help you start your day on the right foot. Enjoy!

  1. I’m grateful for waking up and being healthy.
  2. I got this!
  3. I’m going to have fun today!
  4. I’m so excited to start my day today!
  5. I can’t wait to see the beautiful surprises of today.
  6. Something awesome is going to happen to me today. I’m going to be sooo happy when I see it!
  7. I have the strength and courage to face any challenge today brings me.
  8. I’m doing well. I’m okay. All is well.
  9. I’m excited to (fill in an activity you’re very excited to do today).
  10. Whatever happens, I will protect my peace today.
  11. I promise to stand up for myself in any challenging situation today.
  12. I choose to fully enjoy the little things today.
  13. Today is going to be a fun ass day!
  14. I’m going to approach the day with confidence and energy.
  15. I’m SO grateful for the opportunity of a new day.
  16. I am confident in my ability to tackle whatever comes my way today.
  17. Even if I slip up today, I will continue to give myself grace and compassion.
  18. I’m open to whatever opportunities and solutions the day has to offer me.
  19. I am approaching today with curiosity and an open mind.
  20. I have everything I need to make today a beautiful day for me.
  21. I’m excited to share my awesomeness with the world today.