25 Random Questions to Ask Your Friends To Have a Laugh

Let’s be real guys, we may love our friends but sometimes we just run out of things to talk about. 

When that happens, no one wants to have to deal with an awkward silence. That’s why I love having a list of random questions to ask my friends.

I usually pick interesting questions I find online or heard somewhere. I also love to come up with my own too.

Asking these questions is guaranteed to lead to laughs, weird looks and genuine follow-up questions to learn more about your friends and build a deeper connection with them.

So here are some questions to ask your friends next time you run out of things to talk about and don’t want to end up in a dry convo!

25 Fun Questions To Ask Your Friends

1. What do you think are red flags that you bring to a relationship (platonic or romantic)?

2. What are your top 2 pet peeves?

3. Do you believe in romantic soul mates? Do you believe in friendship soul mates?

4. What’s your take on aliens?

5. If you could choose a celebrity to meet that’s no longer alive, who would it be and why?

6. Who would play you in a movie about your life?

7. Who’s your celebrity crush?

8. What’s your favorite motivational quote?

9. What’s a hilarious meme that you’ve seen recently?

10. What is a secret talent you have that no one knows about?

11. If stranded on a deserted island, which 2 friends would you bring for survival purposes?

12. What does your dream life include?

13. If you didn’t have to worry about money and had guaranteed success, what would be your ideal career?

14. What’s one thing you wish more people understood about you?

15. What’s your take on pineapple on pizza?🤔

16. Which TV show character do you relate to the most and why?

17. Which novel character do you relate to the most and why?

18. Which popular song do you think perfectly sums up your life right now?

19. When you first met me, what was your first impression of me?

20. What’s the thing you find most annoying about me?🤣

21. What’s the thing you value the most about our friendship?😊

22. What’s the best thing about your life right now?

23. What’s a really weird habit that you have?

24. What’s something you absolutely want to achieve in the next 3 years?

25. What are you most grateful for in this very moment?

1 thought on “25 Random Questions to Ask Your Friends To Have a Laugh”

  1. Pingback: How to Make Friends at a New School

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