5 Essential Hacks You Need To Travel Alone Without Panicking!

a girl who travels without stress

I know many people are not huge fans of solo travel.

A few of my friends are really not for it.

But let me start by saying that despite the title of this article, I absolutely love to travel…especially by myself lol.

My introverted self sees it as this fun little adventure where I can just explore the airport alone, do whatever I want and just chill on the flight.

As an international student, I’ve had to travel alone quite a few times to go back home which I think is how I developed my love of solo flights.

Of course, I love travelling with my friends and family too. But I can’t lie, it feels pretty awesome to just chill by yourself on a flight and not have to “fight” for the window seat.

Or is it just me?

Maybe you can relate!

But despite my love of solo trips, I will fully admit that they can definitely get nerve-wracking and a bit scary when things don’t go according to plan.

I’ve been through my fair share of airport and flight hiccups over the years. So this is a lighthearted but relevant post about some essential hacks and reminders for you to hold on to next time you travel solo. These will help you curb travel anxiety so you can stay calm, not panic and actually enjoy your trip!

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5 Hacks for Stress-Free Travel

1. Bring a book!

If you’re a bookworm like me, you know that (almost) everything is always better with a good book!

So if you’re feeling a bit nervous pre or during your flight, make sure to have a book handy.

Reading will keep you occupied so you’re not as focused on your nerves. It will help you relax and will also give you something to look forward to during your trip.

if you’re interested, this is the book I was reading during my most recent trip. For my fellow romance fans out there, it has my favourite trope: friends to lovers!!

2. Have snacks handy!

My dad always says that you never want to travel without snacks.

And I agree.

I’ve made that mistake before and I’ve learnt my lesson.

If you’re hungry during your trip, you’re more likely to act grumpy and be more on edge which will do nothing to alleviate your anxiety.

So remember to always have something to munch on. Preferably something nutritious like some fruits or some nuts. But if you have a sweet tooth like me, your fav cookies are also not a bad idea!

Also, stay hydrated, especially during your flight!

3. Create a dope playlist

One of my fav things to do when I’m travelling is have my specially curated playlist playing on repeat as I’m going through the motions of the trip.

I like to have a playlist for basically anything I’m doing tbh because music makes everything so much more fun and exciting.

And lowkey jamming to my favourite songs as I’m walking through the airport and waiting for my flight makes me feel like I’m in a movie about to embark on some fun adventure!

The same applies during the flight. I used to depend on the in-flight options but realized they were somewhat limited so I decided to just create my own playlist.

4. Hold on to your phone!

This goes without saying but make sure to have your phone with you and KEEP IT SAFE!!

I learnt this the hard way last December when my phone got stolen a few hours before my flight back home.

I was flying out of JFK airport in New York so I took a bus from where I live to catch a train in New York City that would take me to the airport.

I rushed to get on the bus but once I sat down, lo and behold, I realized I didn’t have my phone on me!

After checking my bag and my pockets (which are secure enough that it wouldn’t just fall out), it became clear that someone probably swiped it from me during the rush of boarding. This was confirmed when I called the number from another passenger’s phone and someone answered and hung up!

I now had 2 choices: panic or stay calm.

I chose the latter…after a few minutes of very real internal panic.

I’m happy to share that the story had a good ending though. I was able to get another phone in New York and I made my flight on time.

But this experience taught me to be extra careful when carrying my phone on trips. And while we’re talking about phones, never forget your charger!

5. Carry a notebook

So this is kind of a random one but hear me out.

I wouldn’t have listed this as an essential until a few months ago when the notebook I happened to be carrying basically saved my butt when I was travelling back home and got my phone stolen on the same trip I mentioned earlier.

Since my memory is a bit faulty these days, I was able to use the notebook to write down exact directions from the bus driver’s Google Maps so I could get to the nearest phone store in New York to get another phone.

At that moment, I was so grateful for my notebook because I honestly don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have it and had to rely simply on myself while I was hopped up on adrenaline from the fear that I was going to miss my flight!

So always carry a notebook and pen with you–you never know when you might need it!

6. Have a sturdy bag to carry your stuff in

Another somewhat obvious one but it’s worth emphasizing.

Make sure to have a nice sturdy bag to carry your belongings when you travel.

If I didn’t have my backpack while I was rushing around in New York trying to get to my flight on time, the whole experience would have been even more stressful than it already was.

So make sure to have a bag that is comfortable to carry and spacious enough to transport all your important stuff so you don’t have to worry about them during your trip.

This is the bag I purchased not too long ago. I love when things have a lot of storage options so I was very excited to see it had so many pockets to store different things!

What else helps you feel calm and prepared when travelling? Let me know below!