11 Hobbies to Be Creative and Calm Your Anxious Mind

In my opinion, hobbies are a central part of life.

They give the perfect opportunity to relax and have fun after you step away from the obligations of your day-to-day life like work, school or family life.

I always find it so interesting when some people don’t seem to have hobbies they enjoy in their free time. It makes me wonder what they do for fun and to actually enjoy life. It can’t just be about work all the time!

A hobby can be fun sure but it’s also great because it can also provide you with new skills and experiences. The key here is to not treat it as homework and not put pressure on yourself. Take your time and go at your own pace–it’s supposed to be a fun task after all!

My hobbies are very important to me because they help me get out of my head and calm down whenever life gets too stressful. They really help take my mind off things.

Now I looove being creative. It brings me so much happiness and it helps improve your mood and boost your brain function.

So I figured I would list some creative hobby ideas to inspire you to tap into your creative side as well.

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1. Listening to music

Music is one of those things that just instantly lifts my mood.

I feel like I heard someone say once that music is one of the best medicines out there. Tbh I can’t remember who said it (or if it’s just my imagination) but it’s very true!

There are times when I am preoccupied with something or I’m nursing a broken heart and all I have to do is listen to the perfect song for that moment and I immediately feel better.

I am sooo grateful for music and my fav singers and their relatable lyrics that somehow manage to sum up my situation perfectly. It’s like they’re living my life right there with me!

2. Reading

There has never been a time when I felt stressed or overwhelmed by life and reading a good book didn’t immediately make me feel better.

Reading is my happy place. It’s one of the first loves of my life.

It always manages to get my mind off things, almost instantly reduce my stress levels and make me feel better about life in general.

There’s just something about a really good story that you can’t put down! It literally takes you to another world and helps you forget about your problems for a while. It’s the best feeling!

I’m a huge fan of romance novels so I recommend them any chance I get. If you’re a young adult romance fan like me and you’re into the enemies-to-lovers trope, I just finished this novel by one of my fav authors and it was AMAZIIIINNGGGG!!! I highly recommend!

3. Writing a story

Why not dabble in story writing too?

It’s the perfect way to let your imagination run wild. It can be a short story or a longer one if you prefer.

I recently finished writing my first novel and even though it was a challenging process, it was incredibly rewarding and therapeutic because it allowed me to release and process some challenging experiences I was going through at the time.

So if you have some ideas for some characters and a story, I say give it a try! It may turn into something bigger than you think.

4. Colouring

I’m a huge fan of adult colouring books!

It’s such a fun way to get back in touch with your inner child and be creative.

You don’t even need to be perfect at it. I certainly am not! But I love that it helps me focus and gives me a much-needed break from ruminating every once in a while.

Here is the colouring book I am currently using.

5. Drawing

Similar to the colouring book, drawing is another cute little hobby to get your mind off things.

Personally, I can’t draw at all but I’ve heard great things from people who can.

Whether you’re a great artist with a lot of skill or you feel like doodling away in your notebook sometimes, it’s also something to consider.

6. Painting

I took a painting class earlier this year with a friend and I was surprised by how much I loved it!

I’m no Picasso but I’m pretty proud of myself! I now want to take more painting classes because it was honestly so fun and I want to learn more!

So I highly recommend you check out a painting class in your area if you can find one. You could also just order some materials online and experiment from the comfort of your own house.

Try to not overthink it. Whether or not you have experience with painting, just play around with the paint and see what you come up with. 

7. Songwriting

So I’m actually trying to get into this one myself.

I have experience writing stories and articles. I also dabbled a little bit in poetry. But I’ve been wanting to try songwriting for a minute now.

I’ve always admired how artists are able to pour their hearts out in song lyrics and make them so relatable for the rest of us.

During this period of my life, I’m experiencing a lot of mixed feelings about different things and I feel like writing a song could be a nice way to process all that.

That’s why I am currently searching for online tutorials on how to write songs since I’ve never done it before.

So if you’re into songwriting or you’d like to get started, take a blank piece of paper and just write your heart out.  Even better if you play an instrument and you can add some melodies to go with the lyrics.

8. Putting together outfits

There are times when I’m just sitting there chilling and random outfit ideas just pop into my head.

The thing is, I love to dress up but I don’t go out much so most of the time, those ideas stay tucked away safely in my head.

But if you are bored at home and have nothing better to do, look in your closet and experiment with different outfits. You could take some pictures for yourself or your friends and maybe put on a small fashion show at home!

You never know, these outfits might come in handy one day.

9. Singing

Another “first love” of my life.

Music has always been a big passion of mine and I’ve been into singing for as long as I remember! That’s why I was a part of the choir and theater clubs all my childhood until high school.

I’m not a professional singer but it’s something I love to do in my day-to-day life. 

People in my house are used to me singing while I’m cooking or just arranging random things in the house.

It always calms me down whenever I feel anxious and I always have a great time putting on a mini concert in my living room!

10. Dancing 

If you’re not a fan of dancing, I strongly urge you to reconsider.

You don’t even have to be good at it to enjoy it.

Just get up and bust out whatever moves feel right to you!

As a child, I used to love watching music videos on TV and imitating the dancers!

I love to dance because it’s just so fun to do and it helps take my mind off my worries. To be honest especially boy worries for some reason LOL.

For instance, let’s say I had a bad date or it turns out my crush doesn’t feel the same way about me. As soon as I start to feel bad about myself, putting on a dope song and having a good dance session instantly lifts my spirits and helps me feel confident again.

11. Redecorate your house/room

This is not really my area of expertise but my sister is kind of obsessed with decorating and interior design.

It’s from watching her taking the time to go through decorations and finding the perfect furniture for a room and making sure it all fits together perfectly, that I realized that this is truly an art form!

That’s why, I am planning to do a massive redecoration of my room soon and I encourage you to do the same.

Let go of the clothes you no longer use and make space for some new ones.

Pick up some cute new decorations or maybe repaint your room too!

This is a way to get your creative juices flowing and bring a new, positive energy to your space. Out with the old, in with the new, you know?

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