How to Slow Down and Bring More Hygge into Your Life

Am I the only one who never heard of the word “Hygge” until recently?

I came across this term online and it piqued my interest.

After doing some research, I realized it involves bringing more slow living and coziness to your everyday life. This perfectly sums up what I’m striving for in my life these days.

So of course, I couldn’t wait to write about it!!

It’s been a few years since I’ve decided to be adamant about slow living. Before, I was always on the go, speeding from one day to the next studying, working and trying to achieve my goals and reach the perfect career that would bring me guaranteed success. I had to slow down one day to realize just how exhausted and depleted–not only physically but emotionally too. 

Since then my priorities have completely shifted. I realized that time is passing and you don’t know how long you have left so you might as well use that time to enjoy every single moment, doing things you love WITH the people you love.

Here are some habits I’ve added into my life to bring more Hygge and slow living to it. I’m still a work in progress. Some of those things I do pretty well, some I’m still learning to manage. I hope they also inspire you to slow down and enjoy every day a little more.

1. Practice mindfulness in daily tasks

So I’m in my head A LOT.

Either I’m worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet or I’m replaying some embarrassing memory from 5 years ago.

Or I’m simply daydreaming.

If you are someone who struggles with this just like I do, the problem is it prevents you from being present in your everyday life.

You could be having the most delicious lunch but you won’t even remember what it was like because you weren’t in the moment while you were having it.

You may not remember the hilarious joke that your friend told you yesterday because you were thinking about something else when they mentioned it to you.

That’s why it’s incredibly important for you to learn to practice mindfulness in your everyday tasks.

Be intentional about being fully engaged and present in whatever you are doing. Feel the sensations, listen to noises around you…really be in the moment.

One nasty habit that I have is trying to do a million things at once. While getting ready in the morning, I will be doing my hair, checking my emails and picking an outfit all at the same time.

I’m not proud to admit it! But it’s something I’m working on.

I’m also trying very hard to put my phone aside when I’m eating so I can properly enjoy my meals.

Learning to do one thing at a time will help you slow down and become an active participant in your own life instead of a passive one.

2. Take a moment during the day to just stop and do NOTHING

I am actively trying to implement this in my life.

Once you step into adulthood, it always feels like there are a million things for you to take care of. Every. Single. Day.

Cooking, cleaning, going to work or school, scheduling time for socializing, staying healthy… It’s just too much sometimes!

So now I’ve decided to take even just five minutes to step aside, turn off my phone and just be. No distractions, no one to respond to, just me and silence.

You don’t even have to close your eyes for this…I’m not great at meditating but I guess maybe it counts somewhat as meditation lol.

And it’s okay if your thoughts drift a little. The whole point is for you to be intentional about being present in silence with yourself. The few times I’ve done it, it has helped me feel a lot more centered and a bit less overwhelmed during the rest of the day which is why I want to make this a daily thing to do.

3. Get more sunlight

I heard somewhere that nature is “the number one” medicine.

And it’s true!

You know how plants need sunlight to thrive? Well, so do we. A lack of vitamin D, an important nutrient that we receive from sunlight, could make you feel aches in your joints and bones as well as mood changes.

So besides getting this from a healthy diet, make sure to include moments in sunlight as much as you can in your day-to-day.

For instance, I had a great time exercising on our back deck this summer. That way I got to “kill” two birds with one stone: getting some exercise in and having access to sunlight! I also liked to just sit out there and do some work on my laptop or read a book.

This is a simple but wholesome way to add more hygge into your life imo!

Getting more sunlight every day is also helpful if you need help regulating your circadian rhythm so you can get better sleep.

4. Put your phone AWAY when spending time with fam/friends

Living a slower, more Hygge life means being intentional about doing more of the things that matter most to you.

For me, one of those things is my relationship with my loved ones. I think this should be a priority for everybody but unfortunately, some people don’t realize it until it’s too late.

Over the past 2 years, I have lost a few relatives to disease. Some we saw it coming, others we didn’t at all. This not only reminded me that my health is my biggest resource but also that life is short and none of us have any idea how long we have left with the people that we love. That’s why we need to enjoy EVERY SINGLE MOMENT 1000%, be present and not let a second pass by without telling people we love them.

That’s why whenever I am watching TV with my family at the end of the day (it’s a time I always look forward to), I force myself to put my phone aside and be in that moment with them. And I mean literally force myself because it’s very tempting to want to scroll social media during commercial breaks for example. 

But I’d rather use that time as an opportunity to take a much-needed break from my phone, catch up on the day and laugh with them at whatever hilarious thing is happening on TV.

It’s moments like these that actually warm my heart and add meaning to my life. 

So whenever you’re with your loved ones, block out distractions as much as you can and truly enjoy that moment with them. Decide right now you will make this a priority. In 10 years whatever you were looking at on social media won’t matter but you’ll never forget those moments spent bonding and laughing with your loved ones. Remember that.

5. Create a simple, cozy night routine for yourself

Whoever says hygge, says cozy. Literally, when you type that in Google, the first few images that you see are of a warm, cozy looking fireplace and someone wearing fuzzy socks lol.

So think of it more like romanticizing your night routine. Don’t even make this something you have to follow and if you miss a day, you’re a failure. It’s more like something you look forward to doing every night. It can even just be one special item you add to your night routine to make it more intentional.

For me, that’s having a cup of tea every night before bed. It’s been a tradition in my family for years and it’s just something we do every night. I am trying to pair that with reading a book because that also helps me with falling asleep. If you easily get cold feet like me, put on your cozy socks and there you go–the ultimate hygge night routine!

6. Add small moments of fun into your daily life

Find ways to turn your life into a movie so you feel a little more excited about it every day.

I love to dance so I created a playlist of my fav upbeat songs to dance to when I get up in the morning. I don’t listen to it every single day (I’m working my way to that) but it’s especially helpful on those days when I absolutely don’t want to get out of bed. It gives me something to look forward to and it gets me moving. It’s a win-win.

I really believe that living a meaningful life is also about creating things to look forward to because it means you’re actually excited about your life and everything it has to offer you.

So think of what that may look like for you. Maybe it’s also having a small dance party in your bedroom in the morning. Or maybe it’s watching 1 episode of your favourite TV show every night before going to bed.

It’s about making your life more meaningful by being “intentional” about creating little moments of fun and positivity every single day even if you’re not having the greatest day.

7. Get back to your hobbies

As I mentioned earlier, living a more intentional life means making time for what matters.

Besides family and friends, that also means your hobbies.

What are some things you used to love to do (as a child) but haven’t been able to since the seriousness of adulthood set in?

For example, I’m an avid reader of romance books. They always make me so happy and give me something to look forward to. Even though I haven’t exactly stopped, I have been reading a lot less than usual so I’d like to find a few more fun books to read. 

I am also trying to relearn my splits. I’m not an actual gymnast but I’ve always been passionate about dance and since I was little, I thought it was so cool how flexible some people are! So I wanted to learn to do the same cool tricks they did. As I got older and got busy with other things though, I put it on the back burner which is why I am getting back into it now.

What else do you think contributes to a slow, hygge life? Let me know below!

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