10 things you must do on your birthday for the best celebration of your life
Your birthday is one of if not the most important days of the year!
Whoever does not agree can kindly move aside.
Kidding!… mostly.
In case you couldn’t tell, it’s a huge deal for me. Every year I look forward to my birthday so much. It’s my time to celebrate moi and show myself even more love than I do everyday.
If you’re not going to celebrate yourself to the max, who will? Here are 10 special things to do on your birthday so you can ensure you have a DOPE day no matter what!
10 Must-Do Things For the Best Birthday
1. Create a dope playlist!
Every year at midnight, I put on my prepared birthday playlist of all my favorite hits and I blast it in my bedroom to ring in the new year. It’s my way to immediately start celebrating the best way I know how—with music, dance and lots of energy!
So come up with a list of your favorite songs, give the playlist a cute name like “Al’s 23rd Birthday Jams” and save it for midnight on your birthday. It will give you something to look forward to.
2. Get yourself a present

You know what really sucks?
When your birthday comes around and the important people in your life don’t get you a present.
This might sound stupid to some people but for some of us gifts are our love language. It’s genuinely how we like to receive love from others.
So regardless if you get gifts from others or not, YOU get yourself a gift! And take the time to wrap it in a nice little package for yourself and save it for your birthday. It’s the ultimate act of self-love.
3. Solo date time!!
Honestly any day is a good day to take yourself on a solo date but especially your birthday.
You don’t need to wait until you get in a relationship or someone else invites you. Or even if you already have a relationship.
A solo date is a great way to show yourself some love by enjoying your own presence and doing all the things you love doing.
My favs: going for some ice cream or taking myself on a nice little brunch.
If you want more ideas, check out my solo date article!
4. Make your fav food…or order in!

Throw on your apron, make yourself a little feast for your birthday and put lots of love into it!
It’s your day so you get to indulge in whatever treat or dish tickles your fancy!
Or if cooking is really not your thing, order in (no judging!)
5. Plan a fun trip for yourself
There’s nothing like a getaway trip.
If you have the means or after you’ve saved enough, take yourself on the vacation of your dreams. You absolutely deserve it!
BTW it doesn’t have to be anything grandiose. Whatever you can afford to do. Just make sure it’s something that will make you very happy!
6.Take a rest day
Lord knows we don’t do enough of those.
It’s great if you take my other advice from this list but if honestly you just need a break from the craziness of everyday life, take it.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with cancelling all your plans and spending your birthday in sweatpants, watching your favorite shows if that’s what you want.
7. Take the day to reflect and be grateful
Sure aging is a bit scary but it’s also a beautiful thing.
It means you have more life experience and you’re a lot wiser now.
So on your birthday remember to be grateful for everything you’ve overcome in your life so far and for all the beautiful things and people around you. Writing it all down is also a great way to remind yourself just how much you have to be grateful for.
8. Create a vision board for the year ahead
You don’t have to wait for the new year to create a vision board.
You can make one on your birthday too!
Start dreaming and visualizing the year ahead (or however many years you want) and all the awesome things you wish to accomplish over that time period.
9. Plan a birthday themed girls night in

A birthday celebration is always better with your loved ones and besties!
So invite your friends over for a themed girls’ night.
Pick the funniest, most interesting theme you can think of and make this a night to remember!
For ideas, check out my post on 17 ideas for a fun girls’ night in!
10. Plan a fun day (or night) out with your friends
A night in with friends is always great but why not plan something outside too?
Gather your friends and check out a comedy show or a themed restaurant for your birthday.
Search for local spots you’ve never been to in your area and make it a little adventure with them.
Check out my post on fun things to do outside with your friends for some inspo.